
State Farm® provides insurance to help our customers through bad weather and catastrophic events. Below are just a few of the articles we have available.


Do you need earthquake insurance if you don't live on the coast?

You can't count on traditional homeowners insurance to reimburse damages after a tremor.

Preparing your home for an earthquake

Before an earthquake happens, help prepare your family and your home with these earthquake preparation tips.

What to do after an earthquake

Steps to stay safe after an earthquake and ways to help protect your property.

Fire prevention

Help protect your home against common causes of house fires

House fires can start in various ways, all resulting in danger. Familiarize yourself with these fire prevention tips to help reduce the risk.

Extension cord safety: What to do and what to avoid

Don't let your extension cords become potential fire hazards.

11 signs you should think about rewiring your home

Home electrical fires are often related to wiring problems. Is your home at risk?


Flooded basement? How to deal with common causes

Wet basement problems can cost you thousands of dollars. Here are steps to help identify the source of the water and ways to minimize your risk.

What to do if your car has flood damage

If your car was partially submerged in floodwater, follow our checklist for assessing flood damage afterwards.

Sump pump basics

Find out how sump pumps can help prevent water from damaging your home or business.


Preparing your boat for a hurricane

Before hurricane season hits, consider preparing your boat in case of a storm. Some advance planning can help protect your boat in a hurricane.

Weathering the storm: essential tips for hurricane preparedness

Actions you can take to help protect your family, home and property when preparing for a hurricane.

What to do after a hurricane

Helpful tips to prevent further water damage, safely begin cleaning up and finding a contractor to help repair damage to your property.

Severe weather

Home lightning protection

Help reduce your risk of lightning and surge damage with the following lightning protection tips.

Pay attention to straight-line winds

Learn ways to help stay safe from these winds that can harm people and severely damage homes and landscapes.

Ways to stay safe during a severe storm or wind event

Preparing for a severe storm or wind emergency may help minimize damage to your property.


Tornado safety: How to prepare

Don't wait for the sirens or phone alert warnings. Here's how to be prepared for a tornado.

What to do during a tornado

If your area is under a tornado watch or tornado warning, it's time to be prepared and take action. Keep these tornado safety tips in mind.

What to do after a tornado

When the calm before the tornado becomes the chaos after it, use these tips to help recover and stay safe.


Wildfire safety: What to do before a wildfire

Tips to help you assess your risk and identify ways to help protect your home and family.

What to do after a wildfire

The aftermath of a wildfire can feel overwhelming. When you get the all-clear to return home, know where to start and how to stay safe as you recover.

Winter storm

Winter car tips

Help prepare your car for the winter season with these winter car care tips.

What is hypothermia? Signs and causes

Hypothermia is a misunderstood condition that's caused by prolonged exposure to cold temperatures.

What are the best tires for winter driving?

Know the tires you need for winter driving, and how to maintain them for increased tire safety.

Being prepared for bad weather

Emergency kit supplies to include

Having emergency kit supplies prepared ahead of time may give you the resources you and your family need to stay safe.

How a storm shelter or safe room can help protect against severe weather

Constructing a safe room within your home can help protect you from natural disasters and weather emergencies.

Prepare a babysitter checklist

Consider putting together a checklist for yourself and a list of important information about your child, family and home to help prepare your babysitter.

After the storm

Pros and cons of metal roofs for your home

The benefits of a metal roof may outweigh traditional asphalt shingles, especially when you consider a metal roof lifespan.

Which emergency backup generator is right for you?

Considerations for permanent and portable generators.

Help protect yourself from contractor scams

If your area got hit hard with a catastrophe or weather event, shady contractors may arrive offering repairs. Learn tips that might help you spot them.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with State Farm® (including State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). While we believe it to be reliable and accurate, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. State Farm is not responsible for, and does not endorse or approve, either implicitly or explicitly, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. The information is not intended to replace manuals, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. State Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.